JReviews add-on



JReviews is a powerful application for building media rich reviews sites, business directories, services directories, product catalogs, classifieds and any other application you can imagine. It runs on top of Joomla! and WordPress enabling you to build powerful and feature rich sites.

With this add-on, you will be able to migrate your JReviews data from Joomla to WordPress.


The JReviews add-on migrates:

  • all the JReviews data, and converts the posts IDs, the categories IDs and the users IDs to match the WordPress IDs.


The add-on requires the JReviews plugin to be installed and activated on WordPress before the migration.
The add-on requires the main plugin FG Joomla to WordPress Premium.


  • If you get the error: “Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126”,
    run this SQL request on the WordPress database to change the engine to MyISAM instead of InnoDB for the jreviews_content table:
ALTER TABLE wp_jreviews_content ENGINE=MyISAM;
  • The JReviews images are not transferred by the plugin. You can easily transfer them by FTP from the directory /media/reviews/photos to the same directory on WordPress.

JReviews Change log


New: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
Tested with WordPress 6.6


Fixed: Custom fields not registered on JReviews
Fixed: WordPress database error: [Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs]
Tested with WordPress 6.0


New: Compatible with WP-CLI
Tested with WordPress 5.9


Fixed: Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”
Tested with WordPress 5.4


Fixed: The relationships fields were not converted to WordPress IDs
Tested with Joomla 3.9
Tested with WordPress 4.9


New: Ability to stop and resume the import
Tweak: Code optimization


Tweak: Improve the method to import the custom fields
Fixed: Column ‘groupid’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘tmpl’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘tmpl_suffix’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘image’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘size’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘maxlength’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘cols’ cannot be null
Fixed: Column ‘rows’ cannot be null
Tested with WordPress 4.5.3


Fixed: Column ‘user_id’ cannot be null


Fixed: The mediumtext fields were not imported


New: Run the import in AJAX
New: Compatible with PHP 7


Fixed: Error [Column ‘jr_xxx’ cannot be null]


Fixed: Compatibility with FG Joomla to WordPress Premium 2.10.0
Tested with WordPress 4.4


Fixed: Order the custom columns in the jreviews_content and jreviews_review_fields tables
Fixed: Don’t recreate the custom columns if they are already created


Fixed: Modify the error message if some articles are missing on Joomla
Fixed: Exclude the license table


Initial version:
* migrates the JReviews tables
* rebuilds the posts, categories and users relations in the JReviews tables to match the WordPress IDs
