Why to migrate from Magento to WooCommerce?
Magento is a very complete e-commerce solution but it is heavy to customize. You need a team of developers to maintain it.
WooCommerce is powered by WordPress. It is much easier to use. You don’t need to be an expert to launch and to maintain a WooCommerce site.
If you want to enhance the WooCommerce features, you can find plenty of free or paid add-ons on the Internet and specially on WordPress.org.
And most of all, there is a huge choice of beautiful themes compatible with WooCommerce.
How to migrate from Magento to WooCommerce?
Install WordPress
First of all, you need a WordPress site. In a first phase, it can be located in a subdirectory of your Magento site. Or you can install it on a development server (your local computer for instance). In this case, you must first copy the Magento database to the same database as WordPress.
If you already own a WordPress site and want to add the store on it, it is definitely possible. Don’t forget to backup your existing WordPress site before running the migration.
Install the “FG Magento to WooCommerce” plugin
To move your data from Magento to WooCommerce you need a tool that will do it automatically. This is the role of FG Magento to WooCommerce.
The free version will move your CMS, products, images and categories.
There is also a Premium version with more features (customers, orders, …).
You can install the free version directly from your site backend: Plugins > Add new > Search for “FG Magento to WooCommerce”.
The Premium version can be purchased on https://www.fredericgilles.net/fg-magento-to-woocommerce/
Then you can install it using: Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin
At the end of the installation, you must activate the plugin.
Configure the plugin’s settings
You can access the plugin screen through: Tools > Import > Magento
On this screen, you must fill in the URL of the live Magento web site. This field is useful to get the images and the other medias from the Magento site. Please note the Magento site must be up and running during the migration.
You must also fill in the database credentials: hostname, database name, username and password. You can find these informations in the Magento file app/etc/local.xml.
Test the database connection
Once the database credentials are filled in, you can test the connection to the Magento database using the button “Test the connection”.
If Magento and WordPress are not located on the same server, you must copy the Magento database to the same database as WordPress using phpMyAdmin. In this case, you must fill in the credentials with the WordPress credentials and not the Magento ones.
Import the data
The other settings are set to default. You can change them if needed.
All the options are described on the plugin help screen (top right corner).
Once all the settings are correct, click on the button “Import content from Magento to WooCommerce” and the import process will start.
It can take long depending on the number of products and images in the database.
Verify your site
Once all the data has been migrated, it is time to verify your WooCommerce store : products, images, categories, customers, orders, …
Install a WordPress theme compatible with WooCommerce
Before releasing your new WordPress site to production, you need a beautiful theme. Choose one that is compatible with WooCommerce. You can find plenty of free themes on https://wordpress.org/themes/search/woocommerce/. Or you can purchase a paid one. There are plenty of WooCommerce themes on the Internet.
Move to production
If you need to import new products, orders or customers that have been created on Magento since you ran the import, just click again on the import button and it will import only the new data.
Once the WordPress site is ready, it is time to move it to the right location in replacement of the Magento store.
For that, you need FTP to move the magento files to a subdirectory, and to move the WordPress files to the root of your server.
You also need to change the absolute paths in the WordPress database. You can do it by exporting the WordPress database to a SQL file, do a search/replace of the paths and import back the SQL file. Or easier, you can use the plugin WP Migrate DB to do this change directly on the database.
Go to the FG Magento to WooCommerce page.