Please use our fresh guide here if you have a recent version of MacOS

This tutorial explains how to migrate to WordPress from various CMS on a Mac local server.

The same tutorial can be used to migrate:

Files you will need for the migration:

Preparing the Mac for the migration to WordPress

Double click the downloaded ampps file and drag and drop it to the applications folder.

ampps installtion for migrating to wordpress

Go to your Applications folder and open the AMPPS folder.

While holding the Control button on your keyboard, double click the AMPPS icon and click open.

mac warning for unknown apps

You should see the AMPPS window open:

installing ampps to migrate to wordpress

Setting up the Apache, Mysql, Php, Perl server aka AMPPS

To migrate to WordPress from another CMS you will need to setup the server first. To do this please click the house icon in the opened ampps window to open the settings:

setting up ampss on a mac

On the main page click “Add domain”

adding a domain on ampps for the wordpress test migrator

enter “wordpress.test” and then click “Add domain”

naming a domain at ampps for migrating to wordpress

To test your new domain please open your favorite browser and enter in the location bar:


Do not forget the http:// part, it is important!

Right click on the AMPPS icon in your taskbar and choose Configuration -> Apache

apache configuration on a mac

In the textedit page find this line:

Timeout 600

Replace it by:

Timeout 7200

editing https.conf on a mac ampps

Then click File > Save.

Then Right click on the AMPPS icon at the task bar and go to Configuration -> MySql

configuring mysql on a mac local server

In the opened textedit find the below lines and change them as follows:

net_buffer_length = 64k
max_allowed_packet = 512M

changing max_allowed_packet at mysql on a mac local server

Then click File > Save

Return to the main AMPPS settings screen (localhost/ampps) and click on the “PHP configuration” icon:

changing php limits on a mac local server

Then enter the settings as below and click save

recommended php.ini settings on mac for migrating to wordpress

Do not forget to tick the Restart Apache box.

Installing WordPress to AMPPS

To be able to migrate to WordPress your CMS on your Mac your will need to have a… WordPress installation.

Return to the main AMPPS settings screen (localhost/ampps) and click the “Add database” icon:

adding a database on mac at ampps

Enter wordpress and click Create

adding a new wordpress database on ampps

Go to your downloads folder, extract the WordPress file to a folder, open it and copy all the contents of the folder to Applications -> AMPPS -> www -> wordpress.test

installing wordpress on a mac at ampps

Now open your browser and go to:


Now you can setup your WordPress as usually:

The default information for WordPress is:

Database: wordpress

MySql Username: root

MySql Password: mysql

wordpress database settings

Click submit -> Next and enter the final information:

Please change the username and password as you want. DO NOT USE admin/admin as above!
Please also enter your real email address.

And click Install WordPress.

Importing the CMS database from another server to AMPPS MySQL server

Since you will be working on a local AMPSS server on the MAC to migrate to WordPress your CMS, you will need to import that database to your local MySql.

Copying your database from your CMS to your AMPPS:

  1. Export your database in a .sql file
  2. Copy this file to Downloads folder if it is not already there.
  3. Return to the main AMPPS settings screen (localhost/ampps) and click the “Add database” icon to copy your CMS database with collation utf8_general_ci:
  4. Click Launchpad and open terminal
  5. In the terminal enter:
    /applications/AMPPS/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p mycmsdatabase < /Users/yourusername/Downloads/mycmsdatabase.sql

    Where “mycmsdatabase” is your cms database and “yourusername” your Mac username.
    At the “Enter password” prompt enter your MySql password. In our case “mysql” without the quotes and press Enter.
    It is natural not to see the typed password, so please do not worry.

Starting the actual migration to WordPress!

After all this preparation you are now ready to start the actual migration of your CMS to WordPress.

  1. Return to your WordPress site at the FG plugin page: Tools > Import > {choose your CMS to import from}.
  2. Do not tick Remove only new imported data or Remove all WordPress content.
  3. Do not tick Automatically remove all the WordPress content before each import.
  4. Enter your LIVE CMS URL (not your WordPress) for example
  5. Enter as database the database you created and copied earlier:
    Database: mycmsdatabase
    Username: root
    Password: mysql
    CMS (prestashop, joomla etc) Table Prefix: ps_
  6. At media do NOT check these options unless you had issues from a previous import:
    *Import external media
    *Import media with duplicate names
    *Force media import. Keep unchecked except if you had previously some media download issues.
  7. Since we are at localhost we may need more timeout for the media:
    Timeout for each media: 60 seconds
  8. Press import!
  9. You can find an example configuration at the fg-plugin page and an explanation of all the options if you press the Help button at the top right corner.
    migrate to wordpress help

The migration process can take from a few minutes to several hours depending on the size of your data, the speed of your machine and the speed of your connection. Please be patient and let FG Plugin save you hundreds of hours.

