This tutorial explains how to migrate from various CMS to WordPress.
The same tutorial can be used to migrate:
- Joomla to WordPress
- Drupal to WordPress
- Magento to WooCommerce
- PrestaShop to WooCommerce
- SPIP to WordPress
Files you will need:
- Wamp -> wampserver3.X.X_x64.exe -> Please download from here
- WordPress ->
- and of course the corresponding FG Plugin
Preparing the Windows machine for the migration to WordPress
- Exit Skype completely
- Stop Windows IIS service
To stop IIS service
Press windows key + R
Type services.msc
Go to Word Wide Web Publishing Service
Double click to open it
Click Stop
And choose startup type Disabled
Setting up the Windows, Apache, Mysql, Php server aka Wamp
- Install Wamp. We will choose D:\wamp64 as installation folder
- Run Wamp server. You will see a green icon at your notification bar.
If it is orange, like this:
Click it and go to Apache -> Service Administration -> Install service
and press enter at the command window. - Create a new folder at D:\wamp64\www named wordpress.test
- Click on Wamp icon -> Your Virtual hosts -> Virtualhost management
On the explorer enter at the box “Name of the Virtual Host No diacritical characters”
And at the “Complete absolute path of the VirtualHost folder”
and press the “Start the creation of the VirtualHost (May take a while…)” button - Right Click on your Wamp icon -> Tools -> Restart DNS and please wait for your Wamp icon to become green again
- Click on your Wamp icon and change the php settings
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> max_execution_time -> choose -> 999999
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> max_input_time -> choose -> 999999
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> max_input_vars -> choose -> 999999
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> memort_limit -> choose -> 2048M
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> post_max_size -> choose -> 2048M
- Wamp -> php -> php settings -> upload_max_size -> choose -> 2048M
- Click on your Wamp icon and change the MySQL settings:
- Wamp -> mysql -> mysql settings -> max_allowed_packet -> choose -> 2048M
- Wamp -> mysql -> mysql settings -> inodb_wait_lock_timeout -> choose -> 999
Installing WordPress to Wamp
- Extract your previously downloaded WordPress to the folder D:\wamp64\www\wordpress.test (careful not D:\wamp64\www\wordpress.test\wordpress)
- Click Wamp icon and then phpMyAdmin
- Enter root as username an do not enter anything as password
- Create a new database:
Click “New”
And create a database named wordpress with collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci
- Open your favorite browser and navigate to http://wordpress.test
- Install WordPress normally, enter these credentials when asked:
- Login to WordPress as usually:
password - Install our plugin: Plugins –> Add New – > Upload plugin -> Choose -> Navigate to fg-plugin file -> install now -> Activate Plugin
- Install more plugins you may need for the migration. (Types plugin, WPML etc)
- To run our plugin:
Tools -> Import -> CMS (Joomla, Prestashop, Magento, etc) Run importer
As a final step please edit your wp-config.php file and add at the top:
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘2048M’);
define(‘IMPORT_TIMEOUT’, 999999);
and save the file.
After completing the above you will be the proud owner of a development environment. This means that you will no longer have common shared hosting problems like:
- small memory limits
- php script timeouts
- mysql timeout
- missing logs
and more.
Importing the CMS database from another server to Wamp MySQL server
To copy your database from your CMS to your Wamp:
- Export your database in a .sql file
- Copy this file at the directory D:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.19\bin (mysql5.7.19 may be different on your machine)
- Click wamp icon phpmyadmin -> New and create a new database to copy your CMS database with collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci
- Press windows key + R and run this command:
At the command prompt enter: (you can paste by right clicking)
D:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.19\bin\mysql.exe -u root cmsdatabase < D:\wamp64\bin\mysql\mysql5.7.19\bin\yourdatabase.sql
(mysql5.7.19 folder may be different on your machine, where yourdatabase.sql is your actual database filename)
- Please wait until the copy is done. This can take more than 30 minutes depending on the size of your database.
- Click wamp -> phpmyadmin -> cmsdatabse, check and take note your cms prefix. For prestashop it is usually ps_ but it may vary. For example someone might used ps_shop2_
Starting the actual migration to WordPress!
- Return to your WordPress at the FG plugin page
- Do not tick Remove only new imported data or Remove all WordPress content
- Do not tick Automatically remove all the WordPress content before each import
- Enter your LIVE CMS url (not your WordPress) for example
- Enter as database the database we created and copied earlier
Database: cmsdatabase
Username: Root
Password: (leave empty)
CMS (prestashop, joomla etc) Table Prefix: ps_ - At media do not check these options unless you had issues from a previous import
*Import external media
*Import media with duplicate names
*Force media import. Keep unchecked except if you had previously some media download issues. - Since we are at localhost we may need more timeout for the media
Timeout for each media: 60 seconds - Press import!
- You can find an example configuration at the fg-plugin page and explanation for the options if you press the help button at the top right corner.
The migration process can take from a few minutes to several hours depending on the size of your data, the speed of your machine and the speed of your connection. Please be patient and let FG Plugin save you hundreds of hours.